Sacrifice {Newborn Photography Seattle Tacoma Puyallup}
You make have thought with a header like “sacrifice” that this blog was going to be all about a difficult pregnancy and hard life choices. Nope. Usually maternity sessions are super easy and fun. Elizabeth’s maternity photography session was COLD!!!! This was me, “I know that it is cold (like 30 something degrees), and wet, and the rocks will be totally uncomfortable. I know you are freezing your butt off, and there are wet slimy leaves all over the ground. But you will love this portrait it will be totally worth it!” I took it as quickly as possible and then we pulled poor Elizabeth up to wipe off the wet sand clinging to her goose bumps. But hot dang, if she doesn’t love this stunning image of her celebrating this amazing time in her life I will eat my shorts. SERIOUSLY! Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little to get the perfect shot. (I was laying in the sand t0o in case anyone wants to feel sorry for me…but perfectly and warmly clothed;-)
Special thanks to Tina Boyd for being the inspiration behind this beautiful pose. Sure wish we had some California-ish beaches around here. Also learned a little lesson-the Washington “sound” coast line is so convoluted the sun does not “always” set behind the water. I should have know better. Rookie “location photographer” mistake.
elizabeth thiel - Amazing!! I love it! I can’t wait to see the rest!