Auburn Newborn Photographer ~ Theodore
Auburn Newborn Photographer
I am so excited that Theodore’s family asked me to be their Auburn newborn photographer. I love that my home studio is so convenient to so many freeways, because it means getting to meet so many wonderful families from all over the Tacoma and Seattle area. Theodore was my third newborn in a row to give me a sweet little smile during his portrait session. I don’t know why I have been so lucky this month. But I love it. If only there was a secret to guaranteeing a smile! Wouldn’t it be so great if all I had to do was tickle their feet? Working with Theodore was wonderful. He was such a good sleeper. Like most new babies I had to negotiate with him about his hands. Even in sleep babies just want those little fists clenched shut. He won some and I won some, so over all I would say we mastered cooperation, lol. I am so glad I had the grey furs out for his session because that last image in the bottom right corner is my very favorite (notice it is a Theodore for the win picture). I love how the grey accentuates his glowing newborn skin. What a little miracle he is.
Angela - Love the simplicity! Perfect!
Jennifer Snook - Perfection!!! I love all of these beautiful pictures. The colors flow so well!! Great job.