Federal Way Baby Photographer ~ Kayden
Federal Way Baby Photographer
I think 100 days celebrations are a beautiful tradition. I wonder why more cultures haven’t embraced something like them. Maybe they have and I just don’t know. It is a celebration of getting through the rough patches of infancy. Hopefully no more sleepless night, baby is a champion eater, everyone is out of the woods with medical concerns that might have plagued mother and baby after birth. Everything that comes from this point on can be conquered by the family together. The hard thing about 100 days is that it is a very difficult age to be photographing a baby, lol. At this point they can’t do much more than they could as a newborn and they sleep less and bend less than a newborn. So they are pretty much like a big sack of potatoes when it comes to posing. Fortunately they make up for all of that with the beginning blossoms of personality. They can make eye contact and they have started to grin.