Guess How Much I Love You {Newborn Photographer Seattle, Tacoma, Puyallup}

I have a game I play with my daughter, I am sure many mothers do as well.  From the time she could talk we have been playing, “I love you this much.”  I start it off with something small and then we take turns letting the game escalate as we go along.  As I look at this photograph from this session this game came to mind.

This is the feminine version of the famous sculpted work of art “The Thinker”.  And she is a work of art herself as she works to create her own masterpiece.  Can’t you just feel her thinking about all the wonderful things she is about to share with her soon to be daughter.  She will start their love for each other off small.  A kiss on the check, a stroke of her forehead, tenderly holding her through the night.  It will grow, that beautiful love between a mother and a daughter.  And eventually it will become something grand.  I always win our game by telling my daughter that I love her as much as all the stars in the sky throughout the entire universe.  And that is the end of our game until we play again.  But the love growing even now, between this mother and daughter as she sits in thought caressing her infant within, will never end.  It will grow until at the end of life one can not live with out the other.  As this beautiful mother reaches the end of her years she will rely on the care and tender mercies of her daughter.  And this tiny baby in the future grown, will ponder as the years go by, how she will ever someday live without her mother.

There is a deep, deep love between a mother and a daughter.  So great that there is no way to expresses it.  We try, when we play games like “Guess How Much I Love You”, but the world of  “things” is left horribly lacking when trying to find something to compare the love that grows in our hearts.

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