Lake Tapps Baby Photographer ~ Postcard Perfect

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Lyla’s Mom came to see me last week for one year / cake smash portraits of her baby girl.  After showing me the darling outfits she had brought and talking a bit about the cake smash outfit, she asked me if I could create something really special.  I think the words she used were “postcard perfect”.  While I strive to create “postcard perfect” portraits with every image that I take I think I understood where she was coming from.

What I had in my studio that morning was a mother who wanted that perfect memory.  And she is no different than every other mother.  We want that perfect picture.  The one that captures our child beautifuly.  The one our friends will say, “that belongs in a magazine.”  We want that consummate portrait that will take us back to those splendid days of baby bliss.  In all reality what we want in a picture is a time capsule.  Mothers want to look at portraits of their children and remember their baby’s smell, they way their toddler twisted their hair when she was tired, the feel of butter soft skin against their cheek, the memory of holding a chunky baby hand in their own, sparkling eyes, the feeling of a tender head with whisper soft hair nuzzling into your chest, the sound of cooing…the list could go on and on.  The perfect picture is one that takes you back with impeccable clarity to those moments that you treasure.

I hope that this picture of Lyla will always remind her Mom of what a perfect little princess she is and always will be.

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