Lakewood Baby Photographer ~ Bradley
Lakewood Baby Photographer
Has it been a year already? Time is a mother’s worst enemy I swear it. There is either not enough time, or too much time and all the while it is moving either too fast too slow. Time is a foe we battle against all our lives. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was photographing little Bradley as a newborn baby?
Oh my goodness, he was the cutest, squishiest, most perfect newborn ever. And just now he was in my studio with a birthday cake? How does that happen? Things change so fast. In just the space of a year Bradley has become an independent little toddler. Gasp! Next thing you know he will be starting Kindergarten! Time is now ally of motherhood. That much I know for certain. Can’t they just stay our babies just a little bit longer. Motherhood is such a hard job, is it too much to ask to hold that perfect bundle just a little bit longer?
I am so glad to have wonderful clients that love their children and want to treasure their baby moments forever. Baby portraits it would seem, paired with the memories they stimulate are the only way we have of cheating time. Because these pictures will always be there and according to them, Bradley is his mommy’s baby forever and ever and ever!
Happy Birthday little man!
angela - So cute, the light is perfect! Love seeing how much he has grown!
Jessica - Such beautiful portraits and I completely agree, time is a mother’s worst enemy. It goes by so very quickly. Luckily, this family has these beautiful images to stop time for just a bit.