Newborn Photographer l Dream Workshop in 10 Days!!!

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This is Carrie Sandoval, genius behind “Baby As Art“.  She is my mentor.  Seeing her images inspires me.  I have always loved photography.  It was always the landscapes that got to me.  I know crazy, right.  But landscapes touched me deep down in a spiritual place.  They moved me.  And while I have always loved all types of art (growing up in Europe can do that to a person), portraits were portraits.  And then I became exposed to Carries portraits.  I don’t even remember how.  All I know is that they brought me to tears.  I don’t mean to get all religious, but like landscapes, they made me feel overwhelmed with gratitude for a Heavenly Father who gives us such beautiful and miraculous gifts.  Anne Geddes is great, but I never really “felt” her work.  She was all about using the babies as props.  Disguising her babies as something else.  Carrie is the opposite.  Every photograph she takes is a celebration of that babies existence.  I love her.  I would have flown across the world to have her photograph my babies if only I had know about her then.

Photographers are constantly on a quest for education and inspiration.  When I was choosing which workshop I would attend this year to better myself it was a no brainer.  I have wanted to meet Carrie and learn from her since I picked up my camera with an eye focused on newborns.  If I wanted to be the best then I needed to be trained by the best.  And she is undeniably the BEST!  I am so excited.  10 days from now I will be basking in the warmth of Southern California and learning at the hands of a master and my personal mentor!

I am so excited to come home from her workshop filled with new skills and inspiration.  I know it sounds so cliche.  But it is going to be a dream come true!

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