Lacey Newborn Photographer ~ Beauty

Being a newborn photographer has its perks.  I get to meet wonderful families.  Every week I get my baby fix as parents from all around me: Seattle, Auburn, Bonney Lake, Tacoma, Gig Harbor and occasionally even Lacey bring me their precious babies.  My happy meter is filled every day as I set down to work at my computer and I am greeted by beautiful squishy newborns.  And more than all of that I get to give a priceless gift to parents.  It is a good gig.  I am so thankful and feel very blessed.  It helps that I swear I have the very best clients in the whole world.

As I photographed baby Kayleigh, I learned from listening to her parents plans for her Christening, that she is a very loved little lady.  She has a big family.  Thank goodness her parents will have a huge support network.  Her daddy is going to need each and every single one of those people to help him look out for his little girl.  She is such a beauty.  I was telling my sister this afternoon that I was working on a “snow white” baby.  She is literally that beautiful.  She made me facetime with her to see what I was talking about.  She agrees.  And so will every boy in this little girl’s future.  Porcelain skin, dark thick hair and red little lips all come together to make her the living reincarnation of a beloved Disney princess.  She should put her job application in now.

Now all that is left of the making of a perfectly beautiful little girl is for her Mom and Dad to teach her to be kind, generous and virtuous.  And I have no doubt that they are up to the task.  They are wonderful.

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Gig Harbor Newborn Photographer ~ Perfectly Named

Amber has come to see me from Gig Harbor for newborn portraits of all three of her girls.  I photographed her twins Emma and Claire in 2012.  Last week I got to meet the newest addition to their perfect little family, Kate.  When I read in an email that Amber was to name her newest daughter Kate I chuckled to myself.  She is one of many families that I meet who have named their daughters the same names I used for my own.  Those beautiful girl names always run together.  My oldest is an Emma, my middle is a Kate (she would have been a Claire, but my sister-in-law had just used the name the year before) and my youngest is Sara.  Sure enough, Sara was also on her list.  It has happened to me so many times.

We discussed why we chose those names.  They are beautiful and classic.  They are buttery names (that is how I describe them because they just roll right off the tongue).  But while being perfectly classic and feminine they are also just a bit spunky and modern.  They are timeless names.  If we look at the meaning behind the names, Amber has three very blessed girls.

Whole and complete

Clear and Bright


What beautiful adjectives to describe three lovely sisters.  I am so excited for this family to enjoy the world of girls.  My own daughters bring me so much joy.  They are the lights of my life.  Congratulations to a lovely family.

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Lakewood Baby Photographer ~ Sacrifices

I had the privilege of being the photographer for an extra special little lady last week who came to see me from Lakewood for her photography session.  She just turned one and we got to have some fun doing a cake smash!  Her Dad and I had so much fun watching her tentatively smash her cake.  But her mother wasn’t there.  Her mother, was thousands of miles away in a far off country serving me, you and our wonderful country.  Her mommy is a soldier.

I can not even imagine making the sacrifices she is making.  Can you even wrap your head around the idea of leaving your baby behind for a year to risk your life serving in a hot, sandy, hostile world.  I can not!!!  She is strong, brave and even so far removed from her princess, she is the best mom!

Joyce planned everything, down to the T.  Outfits, hair accessories, cake and toys were all carefully arranged for.  I was amazed at the thought and effort she put into a photo shoot that she wouldn’t even be attending.

What it shows is that moms are moms no matter where they are!  We are always thinking and caring for our babies!

Thank you Joyce, for your sacrifice, for making my country safe and serving so that my freedoms remain free!

Lots of praise to her Daddy too who is making it all stay together at home;-)

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Puyallup Newborn Photography ~ Consistency

Henry came to my Puyallup Photography studio for his newborn portraits almost two weeks ago.  Although he was very sleepy he was not interested in letting me move him around as he tried to sleep.  Frequently I am challenged as a photographer by babies like Henry.  Not all babies come to see me and sleep like little rag dolls.  In fact most the time it is very hard work.  That is why it is very important to hire a photographer that can produce consistent work.  The artist you hire should be able to capture beautiful portraits of your brand new baby whether or not he decides to be a “passed- out” sleeper or not.  It took a lot of patience from me and Henry’s Mom and Dad to slowly work towards beautiful pictures.  Sitting here looking at his gallery I am so happy to see that there are pictures that I am super proud of.  Some of my favorites ever, like this one.  I wasn’t always consistent.  It took me years of hard work and training.  But I am super proud that I can say that even on a tough photo shoot day I can produce beautiful images for parents.  That is why parents who want gorgeous, heirloom art of their newborns hire a professional photographer.

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Puyallup Newborn Photographer ~ Brothers

I was so excited to meet Carter.  It was only a little while ago that his Mom and Dad came to me for newborn portraits of their first baby, Preston.  I love being a photographer.  It is such a blessing to get to know so many amazing families over the years.  Carter was his on little person.  The same pretty lashes and chubby round cheeks as his brother but not as sleepy and without the head full of hair.  But that is OK.  Each little person is suppose to be their own little individual self.  That is what makes families so awesome.  Lots of totally different people working together to find their own harmony.

I am excited that Preston has a brother who will very soon be a playmate, a partner in crime.  I always wanted a second son.  I have always felt bad for my oldest son that he lives in a family full of sisters.  I think boys need brothers.  And Sisters need sisters.  Babies should come in sets with a built in nanny.

One of my favorite things to create for clients are albums.  I made a studio sample of Preston’s session.  I love that book.  I am half tempted to make another album sample using Carter’s images.

Here is Carter’s big brother Preston from his newborn photography session.

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