I am going to get a little religious here, so bare with me. Without fail around the Christmas season my thoughts turn to Mary, mother of Christ. I think of her like this beautiful mother to be. I picture her to be absolutely beautiful, like Rachel here. Heavy with child and heavy with the weight of expectations. I think that burden of expectations is something that we as mothers all share. No matter what era we bring children into the world, what country we labor in, or what our circumstances might be, we all as a collective pause to think about the expectations placed upon us. It is part of womanhood and most certainly a right of passage. We hold our swollen bellies and think about the future and our roles in the future of the babies growing within.
I wish I could have my clients, like Rachel, write down their thoughts. To be let into their deep ponderings for just a moment would be so intriguing. And what about Mary. What thoughts troubled and entertained her mind? Did she grasp the meaning of the life about to be born? Was there any trepidation? Did the mother of Christ dream of the simple moments that we all look forward to; holding a warm baby in her arms, chubby hands holding hers’, singing songs, wiping away tears, laughter filling her home or maybe tender kisses on her cheek. Of all the women in the world before and yet to come, God chose her. I wonder what made her the best mother?
Sometimes I like to fantasize that like Christ being predestined to be Mary’s son, my children were meant to be mine and likewise Rachel’s little girl was meant to be hers’. I like to think that I was the best mother for my brood. We each have lying within us something special that makes us the best fit. Maybe…
“A sister is a little bit of childhood that never can get lost.” -Marion C. Garretty
This last week I had the sweetest sisters in my Puyallup newborn studio. It always makes me happy to see siblings enchanted with the new babies in the family. There is just a special kind of magic that happens when a sister opens her heart to her new sibling. I can imagine that they will have years and years of playing, exploring and confiding in each other. My own daughter’s have made so many wonderful memories together. I treasure up those magic moments because they make me so happy. I am sure that these to lovely girls will bring their mother many, many happy moments:-)
Some say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I say that beauty lies within and shines without. She doesn’t even know herself yet and that beauty is streaming from her like rays of sunshine through silver clouds. I am so in love with this portrait of baby Tori. I can only imagine how her mother and father must truly know heaven when they hold her. Those eyes (I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to make them sparkle like that) are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. It is like she is staring right through me trying to share her “beauty” with me. Beauty is just another word for a strong, happy, loving soul. I am an artist. She is my Muse. Sigh…if only I could paint…
Being a baby photographer is all about letting a little one explore and share their personality with you. All it takes is a simple classic toy and magic happens. Portraits like this capture that “6 months” age so perfectly. Babies are inquisitive, learning about the world around them. They are employing their senses more than they ever will in years to come. Everything is for touching, smelling, tasting. I just love how Isaiah is defining babyhood right here. Babyhood is a world of play.
1.a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.“tears of joy”
synonyms: delight, great pleasure, joyfulness, jubilation, triumph, exultation,rejoicing, happiness, gladness, glee, exhilaration, exuberance, elation,euphoria, bliss, ecstasy, rapture; More
Afsi - Beautiful prose. Beautiful photo. She’s so modestly covered and at the same time so revealing.