Tacoma Baby Photographer ~ Phoebe
Tacoma Baby Photographer
I feel like children are born bad listeners. From the moment they are born they start to disobey. As a brand new mom you whisper fervently into their ear about how perfect they are, and how perfect you feel and how this moment is the very best moment of all the moments ever. And then you ask them for one simple thing after giving them life. Please stay little. Don’t grow up. Be my baby forever. And then at the very next stroke of the clock they commence in the breaking of your heart as they begin their race (it seems like a race) to adulthood. Fortunately they throw in little perks to soften the blow. Like the first time they smile at you and it is a real smile, not a gas induced smoke screen. When they learn your name, that’s a pretty good one. One of my favorites was getting to hold a chubby little baby hand as my littles learned to walk. They know how to throw some good bones our way Moms. But don’t ever forget, they are little wish breakers.
Thank goodness for portraits! What a tender mercy baby photography is. And thank the Lord it has improved over the ages to be what it is today. Without pictures that perfectly freeze in time all of those perfect, melt your heart out moments….I just don’t know what us poor moms would do! Baby photography is the only way that your baby can possibly stay a baby forever. Every single time you look back at that picture of your baby girl with her precocious little grin and chubby little cheeks, you get pulled back like a yo yo on a string to that moment.
Pictures are the antidote to time.
Jessica - ADOREABLE! I love the one of her in the overalls and the little Chuck Taylors!
Meghan Rickard - Oh my goodness, her face with her cake!! Adorbs!!
Angela - Adorable!! Love that sweet grin 🙂
Leandra - I love that simple purple set up for the cake smash. These are so precious.