Puyallup Newborn Photographer ~ Gaige
Puyallup Newborn Photographer
Gaige is a miracle baby four years in the making. What a wonderful privileged it was to be his Puyallup newborn photographer. My heart nearly bursts with happiness to meet couples that have struggled with infertility and finally have felt the joys of bringing a baby into their home. I can only imagine that there is no better feeling in the world. Gaige is very special and I am sure that his parents will make sure that he always knows that.
For Gaige’s session we focused on greys and blues, always a popular color combination with my newborn clients. This is the third client in a row to request my hanging shot too. I have fun making each one a little different. I thought the birch branch on a grey background went perfectly with the styling of this handsome muffin’s portrait session. I love being a Puyallup newborn photographer! It is definitely a very satisfying creative outlet. I really wish that I had developed the skills that have now years and years ago so that I could have beautiful newborn portraits of my own sweet babies.
I hope to see this handsome baby boy back in the studio once he learns to sit so we can continue to celebrate his infancy! Sitter milestone sessions are my favorite. Babies are just starting to show their personalities and we don’t have to chase a busy youngster all over the studio, lol. Those birthday sessions can be a major work out.