Puyallup Newborn Photographer ~ Jeanette
Puyallup Newborn Photographer
I have been Angela’s Puyallup newborn photographer for three of her beautiful babies! Three of her beautiful, perfectly chubby, always overdue babies have been in my studio for baby pictures. That is just super awesome! I love being part of such special times. Being a Puyallup newborn photograph means that just for a little bit I get to be a part of your family. I feel super close to all of my client families as we celebrate the arrival of their children. Most of the time my clients come to me from Seattle, so an extra advantage of having families hire me from Puyallup is that I get to run into them all the time. Jeanette’s Dad taught my kids piano for several years. I love being able to see this little angel’s brothers and sisters grow up. I have heard her mommy and daddy sing in community Christmas concerts. Connection! That is what makes a job a joy. I was so happy with how well all of Jeanette’s sibling cooperated during her newborn portrait session. They were so great. I have so many beautiful pictures to share with this family of their baby girl with her siblings.