Puyallup Newborn Photographer ~ Jensen
Puyallup Newborn Photographer
I am so excited that the Cowarts invited me to be their Puyallup Newborn Photographer for baby number two. I can’t believe it has been so long since I was taking newborn pictures of Jensen’s big sister, Rilynn. But look at her all grown up in the family portrait. Just crazy how fast time flies. The Cowart family has since moved to Hood River, so it was a big deal to travel up to Puyallup to see me for baby pictures of little Jensen. I am so glad they did. It is a real privilege to be part of such a special time. It was fun to remember back to Rilynn’s newborn photography session and to compare her brand new brother to her. I think Jensen won for being a better sleeper. But I am calling it a tie on who was the best model for their newborn portraits. I know this wonderful family loves their Hawks. It was no trouble at all to talk them into these colors. Jensen is a little baby 12! It won’t be long before he too is screaming for the Seahawks! I love the blanket that mom brought to her session with her sons name printed on it. It was given to her as a baby gift and it is just perfect! Congratulations to this wonderful family!