Tacoma Newborn Photographer ~ Selah
Tacoma Newborn Photographer
I have been this families Tacoma newborn photographer for several years now. It is such a blessing that I have had all three of their perfect little newborns in my studio for newborn portraits! First I got to meet Hosanna. Hosanna was so alert and just chill. She was such an easy going little peanut. And then came Theo. A great big butterball of perfection. I loved taking his baby pictures. My favorite from his session, with the little bear is still one of my all time favorites and is in a special folder that I keep of favorite images. A few weeks ago I got to meet baby number number three! Meet Selah! I couldn’t resist posting Selah’s sneak peek as a composite of Fader baby perfection. I love seeing her next to her Brother and Sister! They have so much in common and will be so very different, as each of them develops their God given personalities. All three siblings have big beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks perfect for kissing. I love that as a Tacoma newborn photographer I can provide families with consistent, classic portraiture to celebrate the arrival of all of their children.