Tukwila Newborn Photographer ~ Logan
Tukwila Newborn Photographer
Just a few years ago I was Logan’s big brother’s Tukwila newborn photographer. Last week I was able to photograph another beautiful baby boy with this wonderful family. Two very handsome boys. I love little boys. Maybe I feel it extra strongly because I am missing my own boy, who is all grown up and just left for college. What I wouldn’t give to have pictures like the ones I took for this family in my home to remind me of the wonderful moments of bringing him home, snuggling his tiny new body and falling in love. Instead, in a folder somewhere in a filing cabinet, I have some very cheesy JC Penny’s portraits of my perfect little boy surrounded by strange awkward props. When a family knows the value of fine art portraits from the very beginning of their important moments my hats are off to them. I am so grateful that I get to be a part of such a special time. Just putting the finishing touches on his session before sending off a beautiful package to his wonderful parents.