Valentine Mini Session Fundraiser
Here are the details!
Please read them so there won’t be any surprises as this is not your TYPICAL mini session provided by a photography studio.
My daughter Emily and her friend Rachel, need to earn money to get themselves down to Peru next summer where they want to serve a service mission to build a new school, practice their Spanish and spend a day sight seeing. The amount of money they need to earn is a little overwhelming. This idea was born while brainstorming how to help them make this happen themselves. These girls are amazing with kids, and have a lot of photography experience. Here is how it will work.
At 7:00 this evening I will release the schedule for this Saturday’s Valentines event. There will be 36 10 minute time slots available to choose from. Signing up is first come, first serve.
When you go to sign up for your slot you will be required to pay your $20 fee up front. That way we won’t have any no shows and loose valuable spots to people that don’t come. I will be using Paypal as the portal to collect the session fees. You do not have to have an account. You can use your credit card without having an account.
If you are lucky enough to secure yourself a time slot, all you have to do is select your little one’s outfit and wait until Saturday.
We will see you at the mini session event on Saturday. Please have your child come in their outfit so that we don’t loose any of your valuable time. You have 10 minutes. If you are late then you will only have a few minutes. Once you get here you will let us know which backdrop you prefer. They are both featured in the flyer. So think about which one will work best with the outfit your kiddo is wearing.
Here is my studio address: 12426 136th Ave E Puyallup 98374 Please park on the street so that you don’t get blocked in.
Emily (my daughter) and Rachel (her BFF) will be working in the studio to capture that one perfect picture of your sweet heart. I will have all the equipment set up for them. Basically they will be working as a team to coax a bright smile out of your youngster and to push the shutter button on the camera. I will be there the WHOLE time and overseeing ever session. But I want the girls to do the work. Remember this is a FUNDRAISER! Imagine pictures with Santa in the mall, but having super fun girls, a professional who cares about your portraits and 100% of the proceeds going to an excellent cause! You win because you get to come home with a super affordable valentine portrait and we win because your contribution helps these girls reach their goals.
There is only one child per portrait time slot. So NO SIBLING photos. If you have three children, and you want pictures of them all you have to grab and pay for three time slots
Pictures will be edited over the weekend and delivered on Monday, February 1st via email.
If this goes as great as we are thinking and hoping it will, we will offer themed mini sessions for every major holiday this year!
Any questions? Feel free to post them in the comments below!
We are excited to see you there!!!
Valentine Mini Session
Brooke - How old is your daughter and bff
djcwilcox - That is an excellent question! Both girls are almost 16. They will have me directing them the whole way. I will make sure the equipment and camera settings are set up to insure that you get a professional quality portrait. I will be doing the editing as well. So mostly these young ladies will be helping to get some great smiles and pushing the shutter button on the camera.